Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Needles, Nannies, and Bloody Pants

So, who was telling the truth and who was lying? It sure was hard to tell, altough the Rocket's body language sure did not look like he was very comfortable at any part during the proceeding. One thing is for sure, however, the highly antipicated congressional showdown between Roger Clemens and Brian McNamee resembled a soap opera more than an inquiry into the use of steroids and HGH.

First, the fact that Clemens' "good friend" Andy Pettitte was not present at the hearing shows what kind of guy Pettitte really is and essentially doomed Roger from the beginning. Is Andy going to be mentally ready for the upcoming baseball season? One thing is for sure, the Yankees desperately need the lefty to produce at the two spot in the rotation with huge question marks in Hughes, Kennedy, and Mussina.

We learned way too much about a certain "palpable mass" that appeared on the Rocket's bum. This lovely visual apparently led to a bloody pants display in question. According to Clemens, this occurred due to a bad B-12 shot. Yeah, sure.

Wait, there's more. Forget Spygate, that's old news. We are now witnesses to a brand new controversy, what journalists and other media types are calling Nannygate. When will the "gates" end? This aspect of the investigation, however, is certainly important and worth following. Along with Andy Backstabber, this can have serious implications on the investigation and potential negative ramifications for Clemens.

Finally, we learned that a number of the members on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform are complete morons and were way out of their element. I believe it was Rep. Darrell Issa of California that referred to the popular sports gear brand Under Armour as "Under Armour-All." Sounds like a great idea: stay warm while playing football and shine your tires afterwards.

When everything is all said and done, Rep. Dan Burton was correct in his stuttering tirade that ripped poor Brian McNamee to pieces and labeled Clemens a "baseball uh t-uh-t-titan." This whole thing was a circus. It really bothered me too.

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